Embark on the Cleany adventure!

Find the highlights that have marked our history since our creation in 2012!

2022 – B Corp certification process in progress

Cleany has embarked on the process of B CORP certification since 2021. The objectives are multiple: identify areas of progress, refine the measurement of our indicators, gain transparency and join an engaged community. Our application is awaiting evaluation by the B Lab, we hope to obtain the label in 2023.

2022 – Cleany celebrates its 10th anniversary

“An adventure started on February 1, 2012 with a lot of naivety and motivation to shake things up in this magnificent and challenging sector of BtoB cleaning. 10 years of ups, downs, struggles and successes, accompanied by incredible employees who are the lifeblood of this company.” 

2022 – Cleany loT serving teams

Our R&D team has developed two new applications allowing the daily management of sites. These tools guarantee optimized time management and regulated mental load.

2021 – Varied but committed partners

We are partners ofMixity,Mouvement Impact France andMy Social entrepreneur. Their values ​​are close to ours.

2021 – First Carbon Assessment

In 2021, Cleany carried out its first Carbon Assessment for the year 2020. It was renewed for the year 2022 and the next years to come.

2020 – Covid: support for our Cleaners

During the health crisis, we have set up a listening and exchange center forthe Cleaners. A newsletter has been created with this objective.

2019 – Partnership with EPIC FOUNDATION

We are partners ofEPIC, an international foundation whose mission is to transform the lives of children and young people, and to protect the planet.

2018 – Cleany Green for 100% of daily operations

At Cleany, we have chosen to use products labeled ECO CERT and ECO LABEL for all daily operations. In this way we limit the risk of affecting the health and safety of our teams, as well as the environmental impact linked to evacuations and storage of products.

2017 – Membership of the Global Compact

Created in 2000 by the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, theGlobal Compact ou Pacte Mondial est un programme de l’UN. The latter aims to involve companies and non-profit organizations, in compliance with 10 key principles in order to build a more sustainable society.

2016 – Cleany Academy

In order to strengthen our training approach, the Cleany Academy was created so that everyone receives the theory and practice necessary to acquire reflexes and effective operations. It allows Cleaners professional development.

2013 – Cleaners training process

The training allows us to create a privileged link with our teams, to promote them, and to provide them with new skills in outside of Cleany.

2012 – Creation of Cleany

Cleany was founded on January 26, 2012 by Alexandre Bellity.