Charte ethics

This charter describes the ethical principles to which Cleany is committed in the context of the study, implementation, monitoring and communication around its activities and services.
It applies to all CLEANY Employees (Cleaners, members of Support Services, members of the Management Committee as well as the Board of Directors, staff representatives). It is also distributed to CLEANY partners (customers, suppliers, consultants, evaluation bodies, and all stakeholders).

The objective of this document is to encourage everyone to carry out their missions conscientiously working conditions to be applied to guarantee:

  • respect and inclusion of everyone, compliance with laws and regulations,
  • good commercial practices,
  • the trust of our partners and stakeholders.

Rigorous application of laws, regulations and internal standards

  • We are committed to respecting the laws and regulations applicable in France.|| |254

  • Nous nous engageons à assurer à chaque salarié.e des conditions de travail justes et équitables.

  • We prohibit all forced or compulsory labor as well as all hidden (undeclared) work.

  • We prohibit child labor.

  • We provide everyone with the regulatory measures concerning Cleany's activities.

  • Taking into account the Internal Regulations and this charter is mandatory.

Respect for employees

  • The Human Resources management policy (recruitment, inclusion, training, evaluation, monitoring) is established according to the values de Cleany: RESPECT, AMBITION, PERFORMANCE and COHESION. These values ​​represent our desire to integrate our employees in the best conditions of respect and dignity, and to help them grow.

  • We are committed to implementing all measures that guarantee our employees .es to work safely. For their part, employees must respect safety and prevention rules and report any anomalies observed.

  • Each manager must identify the risks for their teams and plan appropriate measures.

  • Chaque nouveau salarié doit être sensibilisé par son encadrant sur les règles de sécurité et de prévention.

  • The prevention of musculoskeletal disorders is a collective issue which must be taken into account by the manager in the organization of the service and integrated into the training.

  • We ensure that every employee has the right to work in an environment free of violence and verbal or physical harassment from a superior, an employee or a customer.


Also, we adopt a zero tolerance policy in this regard, because harassment constitutes an attack on the dignity of every human being. If you witness any form of physical, sexual or moral harassment, contact your manager as a priority, or if the first option is not possible. You also have the possibility of contacting the Cleany harassment referent ( and/or the CSE harassment referent (

  • Any act of harassment is punishable by sanctions which may include until dismissal as well as legal/criminal proceedings.

  • We favor daytime work which is an important lever for the quality of life of our employees, thus we promote it to our customers on the sites eligible.

Honesty, fairness and transparency

  • We make no distinction between people based on their(s): social or ethnic affiliation, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic characteristics, nationality, surname, political opinions, trade union activities, religious beliefs, physical appearance, health, disability or pregnancy, membership or not of a so-called race, membership or not of a nation, gender identity, bank domiciliation, philosophical opinions, morals, place of residence, loss of autonomy, ability to express oneself in a foreign language, vulnerability resulting from one's economic situation. The ban on discrimination applies to all stages of the professional life of our employees: hiring, salary development or career development.

  • We are committed to fair compensation arbitration and act in favor of equal opportunities.

  • We are vigilant about the conditions of equity between men and women in terms of salary, responsibility and hierarchical position.

  • We promote social dialogue within the company and we ensure that the rules are respected and not constrained.

  • Cleany respects the role and responsibilities of the social partners and is committed to communicating and negotiating openly with them on questions of collective interest.

  • Our commercial proposals are transparent and rely exclusively on our business expertise and the quality of our services.

Sincerity and reliability

  • Nous nous engageons à une entière transparence et exactitude quant à la transmission de nos données comptables et réglementaires.

  • The establishment of results complies with accounting principles and the entries are justified.

  • Les documents sont conservés conformément aux réglementations en vigueur et au mode d’archivage en place chez Cleany.

Respect for the rules of free competition and rejection of corruption

  • Cleany is a dynamic and fair competitor that complies with competition regulations to ensure that its products and services are sold on their own merits. Only lawful means may be used to obtain information about our competitors. Thus, unfair commercial practices, incompatible with our values, are prohibited in our company.

  • We are committed to building lasting partnerships with our customers and suppliers.

  • Reminder of definitions:| ||325


Free competition: is an economic system where everyone has the freedom to carry out an activity, produce and sell under the conditions they wish and where the State only intervenes to guarantee the free play of economic rules (prohibition of abuse of dominant position and agreements).

Corruption: designates the made for a person entrusted with a specific function (public or private) to solicit or accept a gift or any advantage with a view to obtaining particular advantages or prerogatives or, for the corrupt person, to obtain remuneration in exchange of his complacency.

  • We refuse any gift other than symbolic (advertising items for example) from our suppliers and service providers, and we return others. The same goes for our customers.

  • We do not make any gifts other than symbolic ones to our customers and do not grant or offer any gratuity with the aim of obtaining or retaining business. Our relationships, particularly during commercial negotiations, are based on principles of transparency and integrity.

  • We prohibit kickbacks (hidden compensation) in any form, including bribes. wine or gifts.

Loyalty to the company, in particular by avoiding conflicts of interest

  • Each employee undertakes to respect the laws and regulations applicable within Cleany and among our clients. Any action going against the interests or image of Cleany is prohibited.

  • The additional activities of Cleany employees (with competitors, suppliers, customers or other stakeholders) must be transmitted to its line manager and must in no way influence the behavior, actions and decisions of employees in the context of their activity at Cleany.

  • We scrupulously respect the national laws and regulations which govern the collection and the use of personal data in order to guarantee respect for privacy. Our procedures comply with GDPR laws.

  • In the event of collection of personal data, we inform the persons concerned of the purpose of this collection and of the possibility they have of accessing the information collected and of modify them.

  • Each employee who is entrusted with confidential information relating to our partners or of which Cleany is the owner must ensure that this information remains confidential and must only use it for the objective under which they were handed over to him.

  • The intellectual property rights of our customers and suppliers (know-how, brand, etc.) must be respected in all circumstances. We fight any actions of denigration or aimed at discrediting their products or their image.

  • Cleany protects the confidentiality and property of its information and that transmitted by third parties in a confidential manner. The personal or confidential nature of the information entrusted to Cleany must always be preserved, including information relating to people.

  • Reminder of definitions:


Conflict 'interest : can be defined as a situation where one or more people or institutions are at the center of decision-making where their objectivity and neutrality can be called into question . A conflict of interest appears when an individual or an organization must manage several opposing links of interest, at least one of which is likely to corrupt the motivation to act on others, or at least to give this impression (we speak of then "appearance of conflict of interest").

  • Our employees undertake to avoid all situations of conflict of interest, direct or indirect, in purchasing processes or in relations with customers and partners: decisions and agreements are validated objectively, without any consideration of the benefits they may bring personally or for a loved one.

Spirit of solidarity

  • We we are committed to providing access to all its employees and at all stages of their professional experience, to skills development, training and learning to give them access to advancement opportunities.

  • We are committed to promoting internal promotion.

  • We are committed to creating partnerships to enable people who are far from employment to access the positions offered by Cleany.

  • Our purchasing policy promotes long-term activity for our suppliers: framework agreements, compliance with payment deadlines, and logistics adapted to constraints.

  • Thus, our purchasing policy is naturally oriented towards long-term partnerships. term in constructive dialogue and joint efforts, Cleany thus supports the growth of its partners.

Protection of Cleany assets

  • Reminder of definitions:

Cleany assets:
know-how, technical and commercial practices, customer lists , commercial and technical offers, list of suppliers and subcontractors and associated contracts, lists of partners, context analysis, market information, any personal data associated with employees and other stakeholders

  • Cleany employees undertake to manage, through their respective missions, the company's assets while respecting the confidentiality of the information and means made available by Cleany.

  • The decisions of strategic order are studied and analyzed in terms of risks vs. advantages.

  • Employees undertake not to use the Group's assets (materials and/or information) for personal, illegal or illicit purposes (except for the effects made available to them within the framework of their position and the benefits in kind granted in compliance with the regulations in force).

Permanent concern for our performance

  • We are committed to including all employees in the approach to improving our performance, each according to their level of responsibility.

  • We put in place indicators (quality, safety, environmental, societal) which make it possible to measure the achievement of our objectives and to reduce the impacts linked to our activities.

  • Good quality, safety and environmental practices are an integral part of employee training. We invite our teams to apply our health (well-being and safety) and environment (sorting and preservation of resources) recommendations also in the context of their professional activity

  • Each employee is invited to follow the commitments Cleany's CSR and associated policies in order to participate in the company's impactful and responsible approach.

  • We also support our clients in implementing and monitoring their own sustainable development approach, in accordance with to the Energy Transition Law, in particular through a global waste sorting and recycling solution, and through proposals for daytime services aimed at reducing electricity consumption.

  • Aware of the danger of cleaning products classics for the environment but also for the health of our Cleaners (not to mention that of your employees!), we use a range of cleaning products 100% labeled ECOLABEL or ECOCERT for daily use products.

  • Nous nous engageons à baser notre démarche sur les 10 principes du Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies soutenus et appliqués par Cleany :

– Promote and respect the protection of international law relating to human rights|| |410
– Ne pas se rendre complice de violation des droits de l’homme
– Respect freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining
– Eliminate all form of forced or compulsory labor
– Do not resort to child labor
– Eliminate all discrimination in employment and profession
– Adopt a precautionary principle in the face of environmental problems
– Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
– Promote the development and diffusion of technologies environmentally friendly
– Fight against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Transparency on our contributions to associations and to political parties

  • The company internally controls direct or indirect political contributions, charitable donations and sponsorship.

  • The company publicly discloses in-kind contributions and financial resources granted to political parties and individuals, pressure groups, charities and rights groups.

Procedure for collecting reports

  • In the event of a clear violation of one of the commitments made in this charter, employees are required to notify their hierarchical superior. If this obvious violation persists, we provide each employee, without being exposed to any disciplinary sanction, dismissal or discrimination, the possibility of alerting the Workplace Ethics Officer by completing the form available via this link: The Ethics at Work Representative can be reached by email at

  • This procedure is also open to stakeholders outside the Company, by accessing the form on the cleany website .fr, or via the customer area.

  • The form provided is anonymous. However, everyone is free to enter their contact details in order to facilitate the study of the file and the investigation if necessary. The author of the report is asked to provide the facts, information or documents, whatever their form or medium that may complete their report.

    In the case of an investigation, the principles of confidentiality and presumption of innocence will be applied and respected and in compliance with the legislation. During this investigation, everyone will be required to provide their full and complete collaboration and to provide, upon first request, all information and documents.

  • The reports will be studied individually and collectively in order to determine the immediate actions and areas for improvement to be implemented.

  • This procedure must be used in good faith and has the sole purpose of alerting people about non-compliance with the points mentioned in this charter. Any non-compliant use may be sanctioned and give rise to legal proceedings.