How to improve the well-being of cleaners?

According to theBiannual barometer dedicated to mental well-being in businessfor 94% of employees “feel good in their work allows you to feel good in your life in general”.

Well-being at work can be defined as all the positive and negative factors likely to influence the quality of life in the workplace. Furthermore, article L4121-1 of the Labor Codefocuses on the physical and mental health of employees and requires the employer to respect these measures.

Maintenance workers play an important role on customer sites. Indeed, the services provided contribute to the proper functioning and positive image of a company.

The risks faced by maintenance workers?

As part of their job,Cleanersare faced with a variety of risks. They can manifest in different forms. The dangers linked to handling potentially toxic products and the risks linked to the work itself.

To begin with, chemical risks

  • Toxic waste: this can be waste household, industrial, radioactive or waste from healthcare activities.
  • Harmful cleaning products: they carry pictograms to warn users of their danger. They are harmful because they have harmful consequences on the health of Cleaners but also on the environment.

Then, ergonomic risks

  • Uncomfortable or repetitive positions, as well as the lack of ergonomics in the layout of workplaces, can lead to musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, shoulder pain, etc. Poor ergonomics can also have an impact on productivity and the quality of services provided by agents.

Then physical risks

  • Repetitive gestures: during their service, agents maintenance workers very often make the same actions and handle more or less heavy machines and loads.

And finally, the psychological risks

  • The psychological aspect is also at the heart of this profession: Cleaners are constantly in contact with customers. However, some of them have very little regard for the work carried out by maintenance agents.

Although measures have been introduced, such as the adoption of ecological products and adaptations in order to preserve the health of Cleaners. These professionals will undoubtedly remain exposed to risks, whether physical or mental, in their profession.

How can we put the physical and mental health of Cleaners at the forefront?

Whatever the sector of activity, the physical and mental health of Cleaners must be at the forefront. This measure involves various actions that can be implemented by the customer or the manager within a company. Here are some examples:

  • Take regular breaks: it is important to take breaks during the day to allow Cleaners to hydrate and recover in order to avoid fatigue and also reduce the risk of injury
  • Incorporating simple exercises: offering simple stretches before starting work can help maintenance workers physically prepare their bodies.
  • Stress management: teach stress management techniques, such as breathing, meditation or yoga, to allow Cleaners to deal more easily with the pressure caused by certain situations.
  • A satisfaction survey: it can be implemented regularly to allow Cleaners to express their feelings more easily. Normally, it is difficult for them to have an open-hearted discussion.According to the biannual Barometer dedicated to mental well-being in the workplace, only 7% of employees dare to talk about their psychological difficulties to their superiors.
  • Maintain a balance: working outside of working hours can negatively impact your personal life. This is why it is important to make a distinction between professional life and personal life.

What impact does well-being have on the productivity of agents?

According to blogGenerali Vitality, 60% of employees feel more motivated at work when the employer takes physical and mental well-being into consideration in the office.

Lorsqu’un agent se sent bien dans sa vie personnelle et dans son travail, cela impactera directement sa productivité au sein de l’entreprise. On en parle très peu mais le bien-être au travail change considérablement l’attitude des Cleaners. Ils seront plus efficaces dans leurs missions, moins absents et moins stressés.

Just as the well-being of maintenance workers plays an essential role in the company. Missions carried out with professionalism and care increase the satisfaction of customers and occupants of the maintained premises.

What adjustments can be made to facilitate the daily lives of Cleaners

To improve the daily lives of agents maintenance, various adjustments can be implemented to make their work more efficient and less restrictive. By taking these changes into account, Cleaners could benefit from a better distribution of their workload, a smarter use of technology and a reduction in physical constraints. Here are some examples:

  • Set up flexible hours and preferably during the day to allow them to maintain a balance between professional and personal life.
  • Train Cleaners on efficient use of cleaning equipment as well as the latest practices in environmentally friendly products. But also train them on good postures and gestures to reduce fatigue and stress on the body.
  • Introduce new technologies such as a mobile application on which customer sites and a manager are grouped task. This facilitates coordination and communication within the team.
  • Implement ergonomic adjustments to reduce the risk of injuries linked to repetitive movements. This could be brooms with suitable handles, lightweight vacuum cleaners or storage areas accessible to all so that officers do not have to bend, stretch or lift heavy objects. 

These different developments encompass both organizational modifications, technological approaches and ergonomic improvements which, together, help to improve the overall well-being of maintenance workers.

What objectives can we equate to the well-being of agents?

Well-being goes beyond the simple absence of illness. It encompasses a range of physical, emotional, social and mental aspects that contribute to optimal quality of life. It’s about feeling fulfilled, in harmony with yourself and your environment, while cultivating positive relationships and developing a positive state of mind.  Ensuring the well-being of employees within a company is of paramount importance in order to achieve objectives such as:

  • Reduction of stress
  • Reduction of absenteeism
  • Motivation at work
  • Increased productivity
  • Une baisse du turnover
  • Promote permanent positions in order to limit job insecurity: at Cleany, 83% of our Cleaners are on permanent contracts. According to the 2022 key figures from World of Cleanliness, there are 81% of maintenance agents on permanent contracts. 

All these KPIs are fully integrated into a good engagement strategy for a company.


To conclude, well-being at work is a key factor for both the Cleaner and the customer. Furthermore, awareness of the physical and ergonomic risks linked to the job of Cleaner is essential. Just as preventive measures, such as training, ergonomic design of work spaces and the appropriate use of tools, greatly contribute to reducing the risk of injuries and long-term health problems, thus guaranteeing a sustainable and safe career in this field.

At Cleany, 100% of our Cleaners have personal protective equipment. For the well-being of our cleaning agents, we support them in their professional and personal projects and we offer them training via our Cleany Academy.