Why is it urgent to switch to ecological cleaning products?

Clean smell, pretty color, promises of effectiveness... Cleaning product manufacturers have resources to promoteand remove natural products from shopping carts cleaning. However, they often contain harmful substances that can be corrosive or allergenic. So many toxic substances which pollute the ambient air, wastewater, and affect the health ofCleaners. However, the clean smell makes you imagine that everything is impeccable.

In comparison, ecological cleaning products are 99% as effective as their chemical equivalents. They preserve both: the environment and the health of those who use them. In this article, we will see how to make sure you choose them wisely.

What is a real ecological cleaning product?

Ecolabels, we believe in them or not?

When it comes toecological products, there are many labels, (what's more), very varied. So much so that it is not necessarily easy to find your way around. For you who wish to adoptecological cleaning, here are some explanations on the most common labels in France.

The European ecolabel

The European ecolabel, represented by the E of Europe in a flower, is the best known of all. Indeed, created in 1992 and revised in 2000, it is the most used.

Taking into account its entire life cycle from the extraction of raw materials to the recycling of the container. This guarantees a reduced impact on the environment. It also takes into account the effectiveness of the product compared to traditional products.

In principle, the European ecolabel guarantees the absence of dangerous substances. However, it should be noted that it authorizes some, namely ammonia, chlorine, soda and synthetic perfumes.

Logo Ecocert


Ecocert est un label international créé en 1991 spécialisé dans la certification de produits issus de l’agriculture biologique. Ceci explique qu’il s’agisse probablement du plus fiable de tous puisqu’il bénéficie d’un cahier des charges très strict.

No petrochemical products, the maximum number of natural and organic ingredients, production processes transformation as eco-responsible as possible... The label also encourages good waste management through advice on use, the ban on non-recyclable plastics and the encouragement of eco-refills

NF Environnementt

NF Environnement is a French eco-label issued by the AFNOR certification company (Association Française de Normalization). Created in 1991, this label was revised in 2005.

logo NF environnement

To comply with this label, the product must demonstrate a certain effectiveness while having a reduced impact on the environment. This impact is judged according to the product, but also its manufacturing method, the quality of the instructions for use…

Logo Nature & Progrès

Nature & Progrès

Nature & Progrès is a label issued by an association of producers and consumers created in 1964.

This label is among the most reliable since it is the only one to guarantee a 100% organic composition. On the other hand, the label is only awarded to ecological products on the condition that 70% of its components themselves hold the label.

Eco'Reflex (Eyrein)

Le label Eco’reflex est propre à la société Eyrein, qui fournit les sociétés de nettoyage telles que Cleany. Il ne référence que des produits non dangereux pour l’environnement et l’utilisateur. Notons que la grande majorité des produits labellisés Eco’reflex ne font pas l’objet d’étiquettes de sécurité.

logo eco'reflex

What characteristics must an ecological cleaning product meet?

If the labels are a guide for choosing your products, this is not always enough. Indeed, it is not enough to be natural to be ecological, because natural does not necessarily mean harmless. In order to choose an ecological cleaning product, it must meet the following criteria:

      • Effective. It must be sufficiently concentrated to clean in depth without needing to use quantities important.

        • Healthy. It must not contain harmful substances. If you see a hazard pictogram (red diamond on a white background), this means that the use of the product may have an impact on health, safety and/or the environment. Its use must be limited and above all carried out in accordance with the recommendations for use and storage.

          • Biodegradable. From its manufacture to its use, it must decompose by itself in the air or in water and preserve living organisms. If the product displays a danger symbol with a tree and a fish, this means that the product is polluting for the environment.

            • Resource-friendly. It must preserve resources and use renewable raw materials as much as possible. The conditions of extraction, discharge, pollution and the energy it requires must also be taken into account.

              • Animal friendly. It has not been tested on animals.

                • Natural. It may therefore contain allergens from the molecules of the plants used but these must be highlighted in the list of components.

              Bicarbonate and vinegar, the stars of ecological cleaning

              Baking soda is a 100% natural, ecological, biodegradable and non-toxic mineral product that meets many needs. Thanks to its versatile nature, you can use it to clean windows but also use it to sanitize carpets or to strip certain surfaces. White vinegar, for its part, is ideal for sanitary facilities, but its smell is little appreciated.

              Why use ecological cleaning products?

              For the well-being of all , Cleaners & collaborators

              The use of ecological household products allows Cleaners not to inhale or handle harmful substances. It is therefore a way of respecting them by offering them better working conditions: less risk of allergies, work-related illnesses and greater motivation for Cleaners who feel valued and respected as people.|| |560

              La santé des collaborateurs de l’entreprise en est avantagée. En effet, en faisant appel à une entreprise de nettoyage qui utilise des produits de nettoyage écologiques, vous limitez la pollution de l’air et de l’eau dans vos locaux et offrez ainsi de meilleures conditions de travail. Soulignons que les produits ménagers sont la 2e source de pollution de l’air intérieur, qui est parfois encore plus polluée que l’air extérieur.

              Did you know?

              About 1 in 4 people make their own laundry detergent and some of their cleaning products, and about 44% favorproducts organic household products. It is understandable that these people expect so much from their company. 

              For the image of the company

              A company that takes care of environment and the health of its employees by using ecological products enhances its image. At a time when many are returning to the fundamental values ​​of the earth and family, opting for a Green-oriented cleaning company is an approach that makes sense.

              To be part of a global approach|| |597

              Afin d’aller plus loin dans les préoccupations environnementales, certaines entreprises font le choix d’adopter une politique complète de gestion durable de l’environnement de travail. Cette démarche peut inclure la mise en place d’une politique de valorisation des déchets par l’installation – par exemple – de bacs de tri sélectif. Cela peut aussi passer par l’incitation à diminuer, voire faire disparaître les déchets par l’utilisation de tasses lavables ou la digitalisation des documents…

              Companies that want to complete the process can obtain certification CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). It is a concept in which social, environmental and economic concerns are integrated. Perfectly in tune with the times, adopting a CSR policy is a global corporate approach, which notably involves the use of organic household products for cleaning the work space.

              In this dynamic , there are also different labels which highlight the CSR or sustainable development orientation of companies: ISO26000, SD21000, EcoVadis… Among these, the most popular is undoubtedly the labelB- Corp, created by an American NGO, and which includes among its many labeling criteria the use of ecological cleaning products.