Cleanliness and CSR: how to integrate a service provider into your approach?

According to the 2022 key figures from the world of cleanliness, 54% of companies declare that they are committed to the issue of CSR.

La RSE, ou Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises, est un concept qui englobe les pratiques et les initiatives mises en place par les entreprises afin d’intégrer des préoccupations sociales, environnementales et éthiques au sein de leurs activités commerciales et lors de leurs interactions avec les différentes parties prenantes. 

In this CSR concept we can cite some examples of services which contribute to this approach: the collection and sorting of waste, the choice and use of sanitary consumables, the selection criteria for suppliers of maintenance products and materials…

What are the fundamental principles of CSR?

There are 7 of them. The fundamental principles of CSR aim to ensure that companies contribute positively to society and the environment while achieving their economic objectives.

The governance of the organization

Here, for the company, it is about integrate a CSR approach within its organization by developing and developing tools to measure CSR performance. Furthermore, it is important for the company to implement transparent communication regarding the decisions taken and the actions carried out. The company must also make the necessary information available to stakeholders.

Human rights

Companies have a legal obligation to respect human rights , that is to say banning all forms of discrimination, guaranteeing fair working conditions and guaranteeing fair working conditions while respecting the principles of safety for each person and ensuring that their supply chain respects the rights of Man.

Relationships and working conditions

The objective is to ensure that relations between the employer and employees respect ethics and integrity of stakeholders. This includes social protection, respect for health or safety at work. 

The environment

Respect for the environment is one of the pillars of CSR and for all companies. This leads to the implementation of actions to limit their environmental impact. This may include: saving energy, using sustainable resources or even implementing a responsible purchasing policy.

Faithfulness of practices

It informs and warns on the monitoring, identification and fight against corruption, unfair competition and the preservation of intellectual property rights.|| |306

Les droits des consommateurs

This principle includes the protection of the health and safety of consumers through the products and services that are offered. This can be illustrated by the health compliance of products, customer service actions, dispute resolution or personal data protection practices.

Communities and local development

This last principle highlights the organization's responsibility for local development. This means that the company must implement a strategy which promotes local employment, but also partnership with cultural and educational institutions and which engages in the creation of wealth.

The sector of cleanliness and CSR

Today, CSR is becoming essential, it is therefore important to think about how the cleaning sector can contribute to sustainable development and social and societal impact of its activities.

What is the importance of CSR in the cleaning sector?

The cleaning sector is today present in all other sectors of activities. From the tertiary sector to industry, including healthcare establishments. The impact of cleaning and associated services is omnipresent. 

This impact is multiple and encompasses the different aspects of CSR. In 2022, the sector will employ almost 600,000 people (in BtoB). However, the situation of a large number of them remains precarious. The commitment of companies to this approach makes it possible to advance the internal organization and the impact on stakeholders. Adopting a CSR strategy also makes it possible to support customers in their own approach.

Environmental, social and economic issues specific to the cleaning sector

The cleaning sector presents environmental, social and economic issues specific to it. Environmentally, it is important to manage chemicals and waste effectively. This involves adopting eco-responsible cleaning practices in order to reduce the carbon footprint. 

Socially, the profession ofCleanerremains precarious for a majority of them, with questions of remuneration and working conditions , training. The precariousness of Cleaners is mainly due to staggered hours, part-time work or even a devaluation of the profession.

Finally, on an economic level, the profitability of the sector depends on operational efficiency, management of human resources and technical and material resources, the ability to respond to the changing and increasingly demanding needs of customers, particularly in terms of sanitary cleaning and cleaning. , accentuated by the COVID-19 health crisis.

Why is it important to choose a service provider committed to CSR?

It is important to choose a service provider committed to CSR. Indeed, this highlights shared values ​​in terms of ethics and social and environmental responsibility. These service providers adopt sustainable practices that reduce environmental impact. This supports fair standards and manages social risks related to reputation and compliance. Ultimately, working with CSR providers can generate financial benefits while contributing to a broader positive impact on society and the environment.

How to choose and work with a committed provider?|| |345

Le choix d’un prestataire est une étape clé.  En effet, celui-ci peut avoir des impacts positifs et négatifs sur l’entreprise. Pour commencer, il est important d’établir une feuille de route qui répertorie les différents critères à prendre en compte pour le choix d’un prestataire. Par exemple, une zone géographique proche, un prestataire engagé dans une démarche RSE, des produits respectueux de l’environnement ou un bilan carbone positif qui montre une évolution grâce à des actions.

The second step is communication: promoting transparent communication with all stakeholders whatever the subjects, whether sensitive or not, building accountability and creating trust.

Finally you can organize working hours which are dedicated to CSR by organizing meetings to discuss the subject, propose ideas and improvements to be implemented…

What are the advantages of setting up a CSR approach?

Within a company, the implementation of a CSR approach can bring numerous advantages for the company, employees, customers and service providers. Here are some examples:

  • Limit the negative impact of our activity on our ecosystem and our environment such as, for example, limiting the use of water, favoring Ecolabel and Ecocert products, prioritizing modes of travel soft (bicycles, scooters for intra-urban travel in large cities, etc.)
  • Establish a new standard through a sincere commitment: this aims to differentiate itself from certain companies that do GreenWashing or promote practices that they do not apply. Differentiating yourself through a sincere commitment allows you to promote ethical and sustainable practices and at the same time work on your company brand and build customer and employee loyalty.
  • Reduce costs in the long term: this can be in optimizing transport costs or by implementing tools to sort and reduce everyday waste.
  • Innovation and growth: exploring new technologies, conquering new markets or even discovering new products sold by service providers committed to a concrete and sincere CSR approach.

All these relevant points constitute a major pillar for improving the image of a company.

Awareness is- is it the key to a successful CSR approach?

So that each employee is in agreement with the company's values, it is important to set up awareness campaigns on subjects directly linked to a CSR approach. We can cite some examples below:

  • Have a clear company policy which defines the strategic axes and objectives to be achieved in the medium and long term.
  • Raise employee awareness of the company to the importance of sustainable cleanliness.
  • Organize training for staff on good ecological cleanliness practices to have
  • Encourage individual responsibility in the management of cleanliness.
  • Raise awareness about waste sorting: highlight service providers who specialize in waste sorting in order to present to employees how it works and the impact that this can have on the ecosystem.

Example: the CSR approach implemented by Cleany

To illustrate, we can give the example ofCleany, cleaning company and associated services in IDF for more than 10 years.

As with any growing company, Cleany has had to adapt its practices and processes to changes in the market. If Cleany's CSR commitment is part of the company's DNA, a clear acceleration of CSR concerns occurred with the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. To respond, Cleany has pushed its practices further by maintaining its DNA (certain practices were in place before 2020 such as the payment of salaries at the end of the month, use of 100% Ecolabel and Ecocert products for routine cleaning of offices and others have intervened more recently such as the reduction of travel, moving to an HQE building, etc.). To respond to this, Cleany has chosen to work with service providers committed to a CSR approach and who use non-harmful products that respect the health of the people who use them and the environment.

In addition, Cleany has chosen to implement a local purchasing policy by choosing service providers and partners within a radius of 80 kilometers from headquarters. The objective is to reduce the impact that journeys can have on the environment.

All these steps put in place over several months have enabled Cleany to improve the carbon footprint figures carried out this year and have a positive impact on the environment. In 2021, 198 tonnes of CO2 equivalent were emitted while only 164 tonnes were produced in 2022, a reduction of 17%!

To conclude

It turns out that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a crucial role in the cleaning sector. While 54% of companies in the sector declare that they are committed to CSR, it is imperative to integrate this approach into the overall approach of these companies.

Moreover, the cleaning sector must focus on environmentally friendly cleaning practices, waste management, protection of health and safety at work, as they have a direct impact on quality of life, the environment and working conditions . This is why it is important to choose a service provider committed to a CSR approach in order to promote shared ethical values ​​and sustainable practices in order to improve the brand image of the company concerned.

The Raising awareness among employees and stakeholders is also an essential pillar in a successful CSR approach. Indeed, it promotes respect for these values ​​and the measures implemented. Companies like Cleany are leading by example by adopting responsible practices, collaborating with CSR partners, promoting local purchasing and, above all, reducing their carbon footprint. All these elements create a virtuous circle.