Selective sorting in companies: why should your cleaning and recycling companies work together?

Since 2018, trash sorting has become essential in the business worldwith the new Environmental Code law. Indeed, with 13 million workers working in offices, it is becoming essential to sort things out in the company. To successfully take this turn, here are some tips.

Obligation of selective sorting and reality check

ArticlesD543-285 à D543-287 of the Environmental Codeare clear: all French companies, even the smallest, must sort their papers. To do this, there is no choice! Since 2018, they have been obliged to set up recycling bins. But that is not enough.

The French are not yet very good students

When it comes to recycling, the French are not the best.According to a study by Eco-Emballages, 87% of respondents say they regularly sort their waste while only 44% do so systematically.

Furthermore, waste management in businesses is a real subject and there is still a long way to go. In fact, a service sector employee produces between 120 and 140 kg of waste per year. Water bottles, A4 sheets, boxes, packaging, cans... there are many products that clutter offices. And if everyone agrees on the principle of recycling, behaviors can, on the other hand, prove to be contrary to an eco-responsible attitude.

For more selective sorting in companies: establish a charter between all the actors

The question of the environment is becoming a major subject. Businesses are also largely concerned – and on this point the work of evangelization is undoubtedly more substantial. In order for this to be a central issue on which everyone is committed, a real awareness policy is necessary. Furthermore, all stakeholders, internal teams and external service providers, must follow the same logic and work hand in hand.

By reviewing its working methods and daily actions, this makes it possible to an update on what must be put in place and applied by everyone. The entire chain of actors must work to achieve a maximum recycling objective.

Coordination is the key criterion for selective sorting in companies to be perfectly followed. From employees to recycling companies to service providers directly involved such as cleaning companies, everyone must adopt good behavior. Only a clarified methodology and optimal communication make it possible to achieve the recycling objective and good waste management in business.

Prioritize stakeholders who are aware of CSR

Finding stakeholders who already have this approach is a major asset for implementing a sorting policy. This is even more true when it comes to choosing your cleaning company. Directly involved in the recycling value chain because responsible for the collection of sorted waste,the Cleanercan, if he is not aware of these issues, reduce to negating the sorting efforts of the company's employees and thus endangering the entire value chain. However, a cleaning company that is exemplary on these subjects and a partner of the recycling partner will not only be able to contribute to the optimization of the chain but also help to raise employee awareness of good practices in the company.

Un a service provider who helps you do better, it is the promise of a reduced volume of waste, more efficient selective sorting, teams united around common values ​​and simple and fun learning. Thus,the Energy Transition Lawcan be applied and the company can even consider looking further in its ecological approach.

To summarize| ||352

Le tri sélectif en entreprise ne doit pas être une contrainte. En effet, cela doit être un objectif commun qui fédère tous les acteurs de la société. Équipes, entreprises de nettoyage et entreprises de recyclage, elles doivent suivre la même éthique. En mettant en place une méthodologie simple et ludique et en travaillant avec des prestataires qui ont déjà cette démarche, il sera beaucoup plus aisé d’insuffler la même ambition pour tous.

The 3 key points regarding sorting selective in business:

      • The implementation of a common methodology for all;

      • Work carried out by all members of the team;

      • Preference for external partners (including the cleaning company) aware of these issues.